A little over three years ago my husband and I got our first place together. When we made the decision to move in together he insisted on a place where we could have a garden. I was a bit skeptical because I claimed to have a black thumb that could kill just about anything. But I learned that first year that plants often grow even when I am taking care of them. Since then I have learned more about how to take care of plants so that they produce even more and I am excited to get more and more out of my garden. But I have also learned that no matter what I do, sometimes my plants end up looking like this.....

I don't know what happened to it. It was my biggest and most beautiful cabbage plant. It had the same amount of water as the other cabbage plants. It doesn't appear that the slugs ate it. It just drooped and died within a few days. Things like this has taught me the importance of planting many different varieties of vegetables. Some days, for no apparent reason, seeds don't sprout or plants just die. It's just how life in a garden goes.
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